PDF Common Questions
Some of the most commonly asked PDF questions are shown in this article, we’ll add to it as more come up.
PDF is an acronym for Portable Document Format and was developed by Adobe Inc.
As printers, we always ask that you supply a high-resolution print ready PDF with bleeds included in the page size, so we can produce a high quality book for you.
Here are some of the most common PDF-related questions we hear from customers:
Will My PDF Print Good?
If the native image resolution within your PDF is at least 300 DPI, then chances are it will print good. However, if you have blurry images that look bad on screen, they will most definitely print bad as well. So you need to look at your PDF file in its native size without zoom and assess the quality of each image and element to determine if it will print good or not. You can always ask your customer service representative if your PDF will print good as well, as we have some special tools to inspect PDFs and check under the hood.
Here is some more information on the PDF file format from Prepressure.com.
What Size is My PDF?
The page size of your PDF is shown when you hover over the bottom left of the screen. In the screenshot below, the page size is 8.5″ x 11″.

You can also view Document Properties to check the page size. You can access this menu through File>Properties (Ctrl+D)